This is the place to find guide updates, news of new first ascents and new crags. If you send any of the projects listed in the guide, get in touch so we can let the community know of your awesome sends. We'll keep a running list of new climbs here for quick reference.
In addition, if you have any new areas you'd like to see documented in the next edition, let us know!
Thermo Nuclear Fusion V15
FA by Roman Hoffman at Wedderburn p337
A new contender of the hardest boulder in Sydney. Start as for Short Fuse. Reverse Anger Management, then link Centrelink Sponsorship into Major Lightweight.
Supercharged V14
FA by Roman Hoffman at Wedderburn p337
Link Centrelink Sponsorship into Major Lightweight.
The Crimp Surfer Project (Name TBC) V13
FA by Liam Healy at Pipeline p95
Climbs the line as described for 'The Crimp Surfer Project'. A hard new Sydney classic that deserves a classic name (come on Liam, unleash your inner Shakespear!).
Point Nemo V13
FA by Roman Hofman at Wedderburn p337
Another new hard link up at Wedderburn. Start as for Short Fuse, reverse Anger Management then climb Centrelink Sponsorship.
The Closeout V10
FA by Mattias Brach Maksvytis at Pipeline p97
Climbs the line described as The Closeout Project.
No Time to Fly V10
FA Mattias Brach Maksvytis by Serendipity p280
Start as for Brain Freeze and traverse left to finish up First Flight. The extended start isn’t particularly hard but it makes the jump way harder to stick.
Bombora V8
FA by Mattias Brach Maksvytis at Pipeline p97
Climbs the line as described for The Bombora Project
Smoulder V8
FA by Tom Hogeson at Pony Cave p269
Climbs the line as described for The Smoulder Project
Compress and Confess V6
FA by Alexander Lopes at The Bidjigal p227
Climb out the scoop between Lucha Lubre (problem 59) and The Devil's Mouthpiece (problem 60) to a powerful move to gain the lip.